Sunday, October 19, 2014

September 25 made count!!!

Long day we started the round today. She made count. Yay!!  She has done this round before and it made her pretty nauseated. 
Working on getting accessed. She was not happy to do this today. But she had a back poke so she was fasting and our appt wasn't til 1pm. Fasting and tired do not mix so well. 
Finally accessed. 
Could not get blood return had to wait for prescription to come up and then had to wait for that to work. But finally we got blood return. 
Waiting to start back poke. 
Getting prepped. 
Just so cute. 
All prepped. Watching a movie while waiting to start. 
Waking up. I had 18 noses and 4 eyes. It was pretty cute to watch. Common when coming out of sedation. 
Driving home not feeling so well. 
Fell asleep. Super sweet.