Today was over all a quiet day. Her pain is getting better. She's taking less pain meds. So that's good. Cute story. The first time they gave her pain meds after surgery it was in a syringe and red in color. They were about to have her drink it and she stops them and says no bleed (she calls blood, bleed). I don't want to drink bleed. At that point all she had really seen was the blood going through her IV for the transfusions. But in the end it tasted good. So far it's here favorite. To get her other meds down we have to alternate with a little medicine and bites of chocolate pudding. She has some nasty tasting meds but she is trying so hard. Her favorite saying during taking meds time is "this is so dumb". I have to agree with her.
Brinley did venture out today for dinner and had grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup but no worries she still had her Mac and cheese with it. :)
Coloring with Russell is always so fun!
Brinley had her first bath at the hospital today. She liked it for about 5 minutes then wanted out haha. The thing on the right side of her chest is the port that they put in during surgery.
Where ever Brinley is, you can find mommy right by her side. Best friends.

Funny Story: So Sammy washed off the table with a wipe and Brinley says, "You can't use those!!" Then Sammy said, "Yes I can, ask the nurse." So she did and the nurse said she could use them. Then Brinley asked if she could use them and the nurse said it was just for older people. She got mad and wanted to try so the nurse gave her a paper towel. She yelled at the nurse because she wanted the towel wet. So the nurse got it wet then she started cleaning the table.
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