Brinley had her blood draw at 11am. The nurse took her temp and realized she had a fever (99.9). So we watched her throughout the day. By noon it was 100.2 then at 3:30pm it was 100.9 and stayed there. We are to call if her temp stays at 100.2 or higher for more than an hour. So we called about 5pm. Dr had already received a call from the lab because her ANC was so low. They told her it was 80. So because she had a fever for so long and because her ANC is so ridiculously low she was admitted to the hospital. We got to primary's about 7:30pm. She got all checked in and antibiotics started. Took blood to test if she has infection in her blood. We will have results in the morning. We will then know what will happen and how long we are here for. She hasn't been to excited to come back. She definetly doesn't want to sleep here but she is doing better now. She is settled watching Rio 2. Dad met us at the hospital. He actually beat us here (driving in from Montana). She was so happy to see him. He was here for awhile but then went home to be with the boys. They are "waiting up" til he gets home ;) so her temp is now down to normal as of 9pm but they won't let us go home. Haha. We will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully home.

She brought her princess pillow case and her favorite blankee.
Oh by the way. Definetly didn't make count. Chemo postponed. Don't know for how long.
My niece and nephew set up a "gofundme" account to help with the ongoing medical bills. If you can donate it is very much appreciated. Thank you. We love you all and are so grateful for you love and support.
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